February 15, 2025

Daily Health 360

The Complete Health Journey


Dealing With This Acne

If you think of acne as an eruptive skin disease, you are on the right track. Further, if you think of it in scientific terms as a disorder of the sebaceous follicles of your skin, you must be a genius. Acne on your face, neck, and back are not even strange to a lot of folks. Understanding it, how it comes about, and how to deal with it are important if you wish to live the rest of your life happy and content.

Acne can attack just about anyone, but it has a preference for people who are just turning into the puberty phase of their lives. When it gets to your neck and back, you know you have serious issues to live and deal with. There are ways to cure it – or at least attempt to – but not all of them have been proven to really work.


However, knowing what the condition can do to you, you might just want to read up and try them on anyway.

People who live with acne react to it in various ways.

People who have suffered from acne since infancy often develop thick skin and become indifferent. In contrast, those who experience it during their teenage years recognize that it’s temporary and will eventually resolve. But those are regular folks. Those who fall outside these ranges react to it by either being passively nonchalant or just outrightly outraged.

In which category do you fall? But instead of being any of these, it’s best to focus your energy on a solution that works to get rid of acne.

A lot of folks like to think that they are immune to a skin condition like acne. But they couldn’t be more wrong. Acne is no respecter of persons;  if you do not suffer from the condition, it is merely a fluke of selection. Be thankful that you do not suffer from it, and please do not stare when you see someone who does. If you suffer from acne, don’t lose hope—many powerful treatments are available today to help you achieve clearer skin.

Acne is caused by a natural secretion of follicles beneath your skin.

When these follicles cannot get out very easily, they stay underneath the skin’s topmost layer and make a mess. And what a mess they can make; it is what you see on the faces and necks of those who suffer from acne. If you wish to steer clear of the condition, a good rule of thumb is – live clean.

It appears as though acne has a natural selection for a particular type of person, and maybe it does. People with thicker skin pigments never seem to suffer much from the condition. Or at least not as much as people with lighter colored skins. You can understand then that the fact that a parent of yours had previously suffered from the condition makes you a likely victim. But all hope is not lost. Lots of workable solutions to treating acne now exist.

Acne, in the most simple sense of it, is dirt; dirt that accumulates beneath your skin and is unable to get out very easily. Your skin secrets oils and the oils only make matters worse when there is dirt packed underneath the skin. It sticks the particles of dirt together and causes them to grow septic and smell.

Voila, – that’s really what acne is about, in simple terms.


Treating acne is not as easy as a lot of folks think it is. Especially folks who do not suffer too seriously from the condition.

To them, it’s all cut and dried: you get the condition because you have not cleaned your skin well enough. And you heal when you are clean. Well, good for them, but bad overall. You can treat it with simple techniques, but if you don’t take proactive steps to manage it. It can worsen and take a toll on you.

Sebum from the follicles underneath your epidermis will have to accumulate for a while. And mix with dust and dirt for you to be able to develop acne. The reason why some folks have it longer or worse than others is thus simple: some people secrete more sebum than others. And some don’t get rid of it as easily as others do.

Which do you think is what plagues you?

It would appear as though acne is more predisposed to affecting ladies than men. Some evidence does exist to suggest that the disease has a thing for hormones. That cause the female to secrete more sebum beneath her skin. Being unable to get rid of it too easily, her skin begins to sprout. There goes acne. But thankfully with the many workable and highly potent treatments available for acne, you don’t have to live in horror of it.

Learning all you can about a condition is certainly a precursor to solving the problem. Even if it is a problem that does not currently have a globally accepted cure. At least what you learn can lead you on the path to something a lot greater, like finding “your own cure”- something that will work for you.

In simple terms, learn what you can about acne, and then face up to it.