Sugar craving are difficult to ignore. What is worse is that sugary treats are so easily available everywhere which makes it harder to ignore your craving. If you’re always craving sugary snacks, you are not alone.
Eating lots of simple carbohydrates i.e. sugar may only give your body a short term energy boost but they will always leave you hungry and craving for more.
So here are a few tips to stop your body craving for more sugar.
I – Replace it with fruits.
Keep fruits around when sugar cravings hit. Fruits are naturally sweet and full of fiber and nutrients. Bring fruits to your work or and fill up your kitchen with fruits such as apples and pears. Those are easy to eat instead of fruits that require you to peel.
II – Go for a walk.

When you get a sugar craving, get out of the house and go for a walk.
If you are at work, take a rest from your work, and walk about for 10 minutes.
This will take your mind off the food.
III – Eat regularly.
If you don’t have three square meals a day, you may be craving sugar because your body is low on sugar. So accompany your fruits with nuts, seeds and dried fruits. These are protein and fiber rich foods. For your three regular meals, increase your protein intake. Add an egg in the morning for your breakfast.
IV – Remove temptations.
Go through your refrigerator and get rid of all the sugary treats. When you go grocery shopping, make a list of the things that you have to buy and stick to the list. After you are done, pay for it immediately instead of lingering around the sweets section.
V – Read labels.
Before you start buying food, be sure to read the label. Start being aware of the content of the food that you purchased. Being aware of sugar contents can help you avoid high sugar food.
VI – Improve your diet.

Eat more protein and fat.
A well balanced meal will do your body good. Have small frequent meals to keep your blood sugar level stable.
Take a daily multivitamin. This will help keep blood sugar stable.
VII – Cravings
Lastly, if you really do have to satisfy your sugar cravings, go for quality instead of quantity. Eat a small piece of dark chocolate instead of a candy bar. This treat will be more satisfying for you.
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